If we supply the Python script with an argument of –heroes instead of –rogues we can output the inverse of rogues gallery.Īndrea is currently utilizing the output of the tool to analyze legacy collections at Archives New Zealand. We can place the rogues gallery anywhere we choose and copy it as many times as we like, simply by modifying the destination parameter. Given the right environment the –archives flag may prove to be more appropriate for some users. The result is that the modification dates are no longer preserved. We discovered that without the correct permissions the command attempts to chmod the object in order to achieve this. This also attempts to preserve group and ownership. Linux: sudo rsync -rlptDv -files-from=opf-rogues-list.txt “/home/git/opf-format-corpus/” “/home/treatment/opf-rogues-gallery/” Output to a text file listing it can be used as an input to rsync as follows: rsync -rlptDv –files-from Windows: rsync -rlptDv -files-from=opf-rogues-list.txt “/cygdrive/c/git/opf-format-corpus/” “cygdrive/c/treatment/opf-rogues-gallery/”

home/git/opf-format-corpus/format-corpus/ebooks/iBooks Author 1.1 (190)/lorem-ipsum-plus-image.iba home/git/opf-format-corpus/format-corpus/knowledge-management/nova-mind/Curation outline 3.opml home/git/opf-format-corpus/format-corpus/knowledge-management/nova-mind/Curation outline 3.opml.md Using the default values at the time of writing, this will contain:Ī sample from a rogues listing created from the OPF format corpus: $ python droidsqliteanalysis.py –csva opf-test-corpus-droid-analysis.csv –-rogues The argument –-rogues will output an rsync compatible filename path listing: The tool, an extension to the DROID Analysis Engine, works in concert with the rsync command found in Unix-based environments. Complexities of collections and issues are reduced, and patterns in collection can become apparent as different rogues galleries are isolated.T he footprint on disk of a collection is reduced by enabling users to create working copies of only those files of immediate interest.Archivists may be able to consider the immediate ingest and delivery of a 'clean' collection independent of a rogues collection to promote immediate access while file format issues are worked on in a n isolated tr eatment environment.to aid in the analysis of duplicate files U ser s can clone the directory structure s (context) containing rogue content e.g.It e nabl es users to work on copies of content that requires immediate attention.The tool was originally developed for training purposes but we also recognized a number of other potential uses: The inverse, also developed, is a 'heroes gallery', simulating the isolation of files that are unlikely to pose an immediate risk, that is, at the most fundamental level they are known by the DROID format identification tool.Īt a point in the near future it is hoped the output of other tools can be incorporated into the analysis engine to create rogues galleries, for example, based on the concept of validation or incomplete metadata. The definition of a rogues gallery in this context is the isolation of files posing a sentencing or digital preservation risk, for example, unknown file types contained in a collection of archival value. Byrne while trying to find new ways of developing the technical skills of the non-digital archivists within the organization.

The tool was presented at a recent OPF Webinar, Preservation in Practice: Archives New Zealand slides here. Presented here is a tool that will create a 'rogues gallery' out of any digital collection for which you have a DROID report for (alternatively, soon, a Siegfried report for).